
What to do there?

So we've finally arrived to the last step of planning your journey: finding and selecting what activities  to occupy your time with at your chosen destination. My first advice is to figure out if you want your program to be more leisurely, more up-beat or somewhere in-between. It’s always good to see and do as many things as possible, but it’s important to consider your budget and your usual pace. Lovely beach in Nice Tip № 1 this time is to find a good guidebook and read the whole thing. Yes, they are long, and they could be boring, but it’s worth it. Lonely Planet publish amazing travel guide books that have helped my family plan many trips so far. Watching Dominicans polish Larimar (stone found only in the Dominican Republic) and turn it into jewelry. Tip №2 is if you have specific questions, go back to those forums that I talked to you about in one of my previous blog posts! Not only will you get the answer you need but you may also find more useful

Finding accommodation

Of course, after you’ve bought all your tickets, the next logical step is to book accommodation. However, before you go forward with this step, it’s advisable to do a more detailed research on the city you’re staying in. So, don’t just book the nicest cheap place you can find. Find out where the airport is and how to get from there to the city center or a hot spot for public transport. Research all the places you want to visit, what buses, trams or trains go there and where else they go.  If you’ve planned to visit another city that is farther away, find out how to get there and where the train/bus station is. Basically Tip № 1 is, aside from comfort, what you should look for is convenience. Whether it’s more convenient for you to be close to the city center or where there is more landmarks and cultural heritage sights, or whether you need to be close to a train/bus station for easier transportation to other destinations. For example: when my family was in London, we sta

Buying a ticket. Part 2.

We’ve already gone through the process of buying a plane ticket and the little tricks you can apply to make your search easier and your purchase cheaper. However, it’s important to note that when travelling to a faraway destination , more often than not, you need to have a connecting flight from your country to a bigger and busier airport first. This post will go over some details around arranging them and will give you some more useful tips. Tip №1 : get all the "big flights" in one ticket (meaning if you have a flight from Europe to another continent and there you have a connecting flight to your end point). In this case the airline you’ve chosen is obliged to get you to your destination. They take responsibility for you if there is a delayed flight that causes you to miss your next one. Furthermore, your luggage is checked in to arrive at the final destination so you don’t have to worry about it during the flights or transfers. My mom found an amazing of

Buying a ticket. Part 1.

As it is with everything else in life, when planning a trip, you must start from the very beginning. However, in the following case, the beginning isn’t always coming up with a destination. Of course, that is also an option but then you will be limiting yourself to only one thing. What I would recommend is to always have something in mind but to also give yourself the chance to explore other possibilities. Thailand So, everything begins with looking for a plane ticket. Naturally, there are the well-known sites like Skyscanner . Or the different airline websites where you can look for promotions and sales. Tip № 1 would be, if you’ve chosen a destination and you’re periodically looking at the websites, to start checking them from different browsers or search engines where you haven’t agreed to the cookies policy. You can subscribe to those engines and receive personalised notifications. There are also websites like Fly4free and Holidaypirates that follow and filte

Invest in your dreams, not in sofas.

As most of my friends know, my mom takes me on some pretty wild trips that she actually manages to plan all by herself. For example, here’s me casually posing with a shark in the Dominican Republic. Cool, right? Unfortunately, every plane ticket that she buys pulls my family further away from investing money in something that we really need – a new sofa. We moved into our new flat ten years ago. Everything was new and shiny, except for the sofa we brought from the old flat. It’s old, squeaky and worn out. I don’t envy anyone who comes to visit and decides to stay the night, as they have to sleep on it. And the back pain the next morning... oh, the back pain. I asked my mom once why we never got to saving up for a new sofa. She looked at me like I was crazy “And what? Miss going to Thailand?” (here’s her and my dad in Thailand) This blog is for those of you who have been saving for a phone, a computer, even a car. For those of you who've always had th